cweiske at php dot net
2006-11-02 06:25:45 UTC
From: cweiske at php dot net
Operating system:
Package version:
PHP version: Irrelevant
Package: Web Site
Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
Bug description: Patch to add "Users" category on main page
This is a patch for the main page that adds "Users" category before the
"developers" one, making the "List Packages" and "Search Packages" more
Test script:
cweiske:/data/cvs/pear/pearweb> cvs diff public_html/index.php
Index: public_html/index.php
RCS file: /repository/pearweb/public_html/index.php,v
retrieving revision 1.121
diff -r1.121 index.php
Operating system:
Package version:
PHP version: Irrelevant
Package: Web Site
Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
Bug description: Patch to add "Users" category on main page
This is a patch for the main page that adds "Users" category before the
"developers" one, making the "List Packages" and "Search Packages" more
Test script:
cweiske:/data/cvs/pear/pearweb> cvs diff public_html/index.php
Index: public_html/index.php
RCS file: /repository/pearweb/public_html/index.php,v
retrieving revision 1.121
diff -r1.121 index.php
echo '<h2>» Users</h2>';
echo '<div class="indent">';
echo menu_link("List Packages", "packages.php");
echo menu_link("Search Package", "search.php");
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="indent">';
echo menu_link("List Packages", "packages.php");
echo menu_link("Search Package", "search.php");
echo '</div>';
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