Helgi Þormar
2007-04-27 00:30:24 UTC
Hi guys,
I was wondering if we shouldn't just rename the bug system since the name is
kinda misleading because this is now more of a ticket system than a bug
How I see things is when you talk about a bug number #4949494 or so then
it's a bug report but ticket #4949494 could be bug or a feature request or a
task or similar i.e. more general term and since we now have (and have had
for some time) other ticket types than just bug then we might perhaps want
to rename it :-)
For example the new my bugs thing, initally only contained bugs but I
expanded it into feature request since the average user wants everything
they've submitted, if they want to filter it they should use the search
system :-) anyway that part would be renamed into My Tickets
Tho do note that I'm not talking about renaming urls or files, only change
the texts :-) well perhaps having the alias tickes point to bugs wouldn't
hurt either
Anyway just brainfarting right before sleep (I read somewhere that's when
you get the best ideas, right before falling asleep, so this must be a
brilliant idea! ;D)
Let me know what you guys think about it.
I was wondering if we shouldn't just rename the bug system since the name is
kinda misleading because this is now more of a ticket system than a bug
How I see things is when you talk about a bug number #4949494 or so then
it's a bug report but ticket #4949494 could be bug or a feature request or a
task or similar i.e. more general term and since we now have (and have had
for some time) other ticket types than just bug then we might perhaps want
to rename it :-)
For example the new my bugs thing, initally only contained bugs but I
expanded it into feature request since the average user wants everything
they've submitted, if they want to filter it they should use the search
system :-) anyway that part would be renamed into My Tickets
Tho do note that I'm not talking about renaming urls or files, only change
the texts :-) well perhaps having the alias tickes point to bugs wouldn't
hurt either
Anyway just brainfarting right before sleep (I read somewhere that's when
you get the best ideas, right before falling asleep, so this must be a
brilliant idea! ;D)
Let me know what you guys think about it.