euk1.php.net : user information: open bugs count
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Laurent Laville
2009-01-26 22:33:39 UTC

I'm surprised by the number of opened bugs display on my user
information page [1] and same on [2].

Even, if it's a bit strange: I see

Average age of open bugs: 307 days on page [1], while I see
Average age of open bugs: 306 days on page [2] (uhmmm).

Anyway, is someone can explain me, while we could see bugs count = 6
And when you follow link of page [1] (link under open bug number) you
only see one bug !

Bug #15674 about Services_W3C_CSSValidator package


[1] http://euk1.php.net/user/farell
[2] http://pear.php.net/user/farell
Laurent Laville
2009-01-26 22:40:41 UTC
Post by Laurent Laville
I'm surprised by the number of opened bugs display on my user
information page [1] and same on [2].
Even, if it's a bit strange: I see
Average age of open bugs: 307 days on page [1], while I see
Average age of open bugs: 306 days on page [2] (uhmmm).
Anyway, is someone can explain me, while we could see bugs count = 6
And when you follow link of page [1] (link under open bug number) you
only see one bug !
Bug #15674 about Services_W3C_CSSValidator package
[1] http://euk1.php.net/user/farell
[2] http://pear.php.net/user/farell
It seems that there is a confusion about bugs opened by me to other
packages still in open status (count = 6) and bugs opened by other users
related to my package (count = 1).

Probably a wrong link. Is someone can confirm it to me please ?
